You. Are. The. One. w Kute Blackson Ep:010

A charismatic visionary and transformational teacher, Kute Blackson offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole new generation. Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute’s multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father has spanned four different continents. His unique lineage lay the foundation for his approach to breaking down barriers and unlocking an individual’s true gifts and greatness.

Though Kute was raised all over the world, he had always dreamed of life in America. As if by kismet, he won a green card just after finishing school in London. He came to America alone just months later, with no connections or prospects. When Kute arrived in Los Angeles, all he had to his name were two suitcases and the dream of seeking out the spiritual and self-help icons who had inspired him when he was a boy.

Kute quickly learned that the “outside-in” approach favored by so many in the personal development space had to become an inside-out approach. So he decided to create his own method—a process that liberates the individual and the true self at the core and then pushes those gifts outward into the universe. This helps the individual get in touch with who they really are. It is a process of breaking free—so that the individual can live, give, and share the truest expression of their self. This is what Kute calls “Liberated Living.”

“Kute Blackson is the real deal. His book ‘You. Are. The. One.’ will take you on a profound journey of self-discovery, and powerfully guide you to step into your greatness. He reminds you of the innate power you possess. This book is a bold wake up call to living your destiny!”
—John Gray, Author of the New York Times bestseller ‘Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus’

“Kute Blackson is a leading visionary in the field of personal development. His work is remarkable, powerful, and will transform your life. You. Are. The. One. is a must read for all!!”
—Larry King, Emmy and Peabody winning talk show host


Podcast : Soul Talk w Kute Blackson

The IncreaseLife Podcast